3. Projects

Projects are the top most organisational unit to organise your data in Agora. Projects are independent of each other and every action performed inside a project will not affect data or settings of any other project. The same data files can be contained in multiple projects, but altering the data in any way will cause the creation of a copy, such that the data in other projects remains unchanged.

Users can create an unlimited number of projects. You can only see and have only access to the projects you created and the ones for which you were invited as a member by other users of the system. In addition, each user also has a private MyAgora project. The MyAgora project cannot be shared with other users.

To see a list of all accessible projects, select the project button on the main menu bar.


Select a project from the project list or from the project selector in the main menu bar to access the respective project page.

3.1. Project Groups

Projects can be organized in groups. Project groups are a user-specific organization tool and serve no other purpose. Each user can create his own group structure which is not shared with other users. Every project may belong to multiple groups.


3.2. Project Page

The project page displays three panels: The leftmost panel displays the project menu and the folder three. The panel on the right displays the project view and is itself divided into two panels. The middle panel shows the currently selected project view such as the folder tree, the study list, the patient list, the timeline, or others more. The rightmost panel holds the detail view of the currently selected item in the project view. The button bar in the top right corner of the project view gives access to actions that operate on currently selected items.


3.3. Project Menu

Use the project menu to access the different project views, the search page, the timeline, the tasks and triggers configuration pages, the project settings, and the trash box.


3.3.1. Folder Tree

Each project has a folder tree which can contain folders, files, and references to Agora data element such as studies, series, and datasets. The folder tree is displayed in the panel below the project menu and is also displayed as a table in the main view panel when folder tree view is selected. In the main view panel, the folder tree can be navigated. Open folders by left-click on the folder names. Use the breadcrumb trail at the top of the folder tree view or the tree view in the left panel to navigate through the folders. To create a new folder, use the dropdown menu next to the folder title above the folder table.

3.3.2. Study List

The Study List displays all studies contained in the project. See the Agora Data Model in the next section for the definition of a study. Note that studies are not automatically represented in the folder tree. Drag and drop studies from the study list into the folder tree to store references of studies in the folder tree. Left-click on a study name to display the list of series contained in a particular study. Open a series to reveal the list of datasets contained in the series. Left-click on a dataset to see the parameter lists associated with the dataset. If the dataset contains image data, the image will be displayed in the viewer.

3.3.3. Patient List

The Patient List view lists the studies contained in the project according to the patient information. A individual patient may have multiple associated studies.

3.3.4. Recently Used Items

Use the Recently Used Items view to see the list of recently accessed items.

3.3.5. Search and Queries

The Search and Queries view gives access to the detailed search page. See the section Database Search below for a detailed description.

3.3.6. Timeline

The Timeline displays the list of past events such as data imports, task executions, change of project settings, and others more. See the section Timeline below for a detailed description.

3.3.7. Tasks

The task panel lists the tasks available in the project. It also allows to define new tasks with the task editor. See the section Tasks below for detailed description. To execute a task, select the input data in the folder tree or study list and select the “run task” button in the context menu bar in the top right corner of the main view panel.

3.3.8. Triggers

The Triggers view displays the triggers defined for this project. See the section Triggers below for a detailed description.

3.3.9. Project Settings

On the project settings page, the project name and a project description can be defined. It is also where you can select users as members of the project. Members can have different access rights to the project data. If you remove a user from the member list, this user will loose access to the project and no longer see the project in his project list. Various other project settings are also defined here. The detailed descriptions is contained in further sections below.

3.3.10. Trash Box

When deleting filed or data elements from a project, these items a moved to the trash box. From the trash box elements may be recovered or irrevocably deleted.