8. Management Tasks

8.1. Create a new superuser

In case you are locked out because you have forgotten the

  1. Login to the shell of your Agora server by an SSH session (if you have lost the SSH password, we can’t help you)

  2. Make sure Agora is running

sudo docker ps

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                              COMMAND                  CREATED             ....     NAMES
xxxxxxxxxxx         gtagora-registry.gyrotools.com/gtagora/app:5.2.0   "/entrypoint.sh"         3 weeks ago         ....     agora_app
xxxxxxxxxxx         gtagora-registry.gyrotools.com/gtagora/web:5.2.0   "/entrypoint.sh"         3 weeks ago         ....     agora_web
xxxxxxxxxxx         postgres:9.6                                       "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 weeks ago         ....     agora_db
xxxxxxxxxxx         redis:3.0                                          "docker-entrypoint.s…"   5 weeks ago         ....     agora_redis
  1. Enter the agora_app container

sudo docker exec -it agora_app bash

  1. Create a new superuser

python /app/srv/manage.py createsuperuser
  1. Open Agora in the browser and login with the newly created user. Now your can’t set a new password for your all account.


Don’t run the python command by calling docker’s “run” command (sudo docker run -it agora_app ...). This will start a new Agora instance.