3. Overview

3.1. The Main Toolbar


Figure 3.1: The main application toolbar.

The GTFlow application is structured over several functional pages, which can be selected on the main toolbar at the top of the application. The toolbar also provides access to the program settings and to the quick-access menu.

3.2. The Start Page


Figure 3.2: The Start Page.

When launching the GTFlow application, the Start Page is displayed. Here data files and session files can be opened from disk. Also lists of recently used files and sessions are displayed for quick access. The start page also provides links to the documentation, to the built-in demo dataset, and to the synthetic data generator. Finally, version and license information is displayed in the lower right box.

3.3. The Organize Page


Figure 3.3: The Organize Page.

The Organize Page provides the functionality to load and pre-process datasets, as well as to aggregate them into a flow dataset. The flow dataset consists of a magnitude and 3 velocity encoded phase datasets along with the velocity encoding factors that define the velocity field. When loading files, GTFlow will attempt to populate the flow dataset automatically. The configuration however can also be set manually. The controls on the right of the organize page allow to mask the velocity field of the current flow dataset using any combination of implicit or explicit voxel masks. In addition, the velocty field can be corrected for phase offsets typically resulting from eddy currents during acquisition. Phase aliasing due to inadequate velocity encoding strengths can also be corrected for.

The Time Control Bar at the bottom of the page allows to scroll through the individual heart phases of the currently displayed dataset. A time animation mode allows to continuously loop through the heart phases.

3.4. The Analyze Page


Figure 3.4: The Analyze Page.

The Analyze Page has two or three side-by-side windows which can be individually configured to display any of the components of the flow dataset in any available native or resliced orientation. Various color overlays can also be configured.
The controls on the left of the page allow to generate an arbitrary number of image reslice stacks from the current flow dataset. The main purpose of reslice stacks is to obtain an image plane perpendicular to the blood vessel of interest. Once such a view is available, the vessel can be manually segmented by contouring the lumen of the vessel with a contour. A contour has a representation in each heart phase and can be adapted to a vessel lumen or position change over time. However, drawing a contour in each heart phase is optional. In any heart phase with no contour representation, the contour closest in time will be used.
Contours defined on the analyze page will also be visible on the visualize page. Velocity and flow statistics of each contour will be listed on the statistics page.

3.5. The Segment Page

coming soon.

3.6. The Visualize Page

coming soon.

3.7. The Statistics Page

coming soon.

3.8. Mouse and Keyboard Controls

Image display can be controlled in each viewer window individually. Move the mouse cursor inside a viewer window and use the following mouse and keyboard controls:

3.8.1. 2D Viewer



Context Menu

right mouse button


middle+left mouse buttons or mousewheel

Reset zoom

context menu -> Fit to window


middle+right mouse buttons


middle mouse button

Reset contrast

context menu -> Reset window/level

Select voxel

<Shift> + left mouse button

3.8.2. Contour Editing (Analyze Page)



Draw contour

left mouse button (A contour must be selected in the contour list)

Close contour

double-click left mouse button (in B-Splines and Polygone darwing modes)

Select contour

<Ctrl> + left mouse button inside contour, or double-click in contour list

Deselect contour

<Ctrl> + left mouse button outside contour

Edit selected contour

left mouse button

Delete contour vertex

middle mouse button on vertex (in B-Splines and Polygone darwing modes)

Delete selected contour

delete button in countour list command bar

Copy selected contour

copy buttons in countour list command bar

Move selected contour

<Alt> + left mouse button

Move all contours

<Alt-Shift> + left mouse button

Draw iso contours

<Shift> + left mouse button (in Freehand, B-Splines and Polygone drawing modes)

Undo contour editing

undo button in countour list command bar

Redo contour editing

redo button in countour list command bar

3.8.3. 3D Scene Viewer (Segment + Visualize Pages)



Context Menu

right mouse button


middle+left mouse buttons or mousewheel

Reset zoom

context menu -> Fit to window


middle+right mouse buttons


<CTRL-Shift> + left mouse button