Getting StartedΒΆ

Import precon:

import precon as pr

Read the parameters from a raw file (the data must have been acquired with the ReconFrame patch):

pars = pr.Parameter(Path('my_rawfile.raw'))

Obtain a parameter:

vs = pars.get_voxel_sizes(mix=0)

Obtain a GOAL parameter by name:

flip_angle = pars.get_value('EX_ACQ_flip_angle', default=[90.0])

Please note that get_value always returns a list of values. If the parameter is not found then the specified default value is returned. If no default value is given None is returned.

Obtain a GOAL object attribute:

sq_base = pars.goal.get_object('SQ', 'base')
sq_base_dur = sq_base.get_attribute('dur', cmp=0)

Read the raw file and create k-space data:

parameter2read = pr.Parameter2Read(pars.labels)
for mix in parameter2read.mix:
    for stack in parameter2read.stack:
        parameter2read.stack = stack
        parameter2read.mix = mix

        # read data
        with open(args.rawfile, 'rb') as raw:
            data, labels =, parameter2read, pars.labels, pars.coil_info)

        # sort and zero fill data (create k-space)
        cur_recon_resolution = pars.get_recon_resolution(mix=mix, xovs=False, yovs=True, zovs=True)
        data, labels = pr.sort(data, labels, output_size=cur_recon_resolution)

Please note that the read function only reads data of the same size and with the same geometry. Therefore, you should always loop over the number of mixes and stacks.

Examples of a complete reconstruction can be found here.

Example data can be found here.