ISMRMRD Converter

MRecon includes a converter which can be used to convert Philips raw-data to the ISMRMRD format (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Raw Data). The converter is implemented as a class with a Perform method, which is responsible for performing the conversion.

In order to use the converter, you need to create an instance of the converter class by passing the path to the Philips raw-data file to the constructor. You can then call the Perform method on the instance to convert the raw-data to the ISMRMRD format. The Perform method requires the path to the output ISMRMRD file as a required input argument:

>> converter = MRecon('raw_data.raw');
>> converter.Perform('./output.h5');

The method accepts a number of optional name-value pair arguments to control the conversion process:

image_types - An array of integers between 1 and 5, specifying the types of data to include in the ISMRMRD file. If not specified, all image types are included by default.

goal_pars - A logical value (true/false) indicating whether to include goal parameters in the conversion. Default is false. Please note that the data must have been acquired with the ReconFrame patch in order to include goal parameters.

par_filter - A cell array of strings used to filter parameters during the conversion process. Only parameters matching the specified strings will be included.


Convert a Philips raw-data file to the ISMRMRD format using the default settings:

>> converter = MRecon('raw_data.raw');
>> converter.Perform('/my_Data/output.h5');

Only export the imaging data (type = 1):

>> converter = MRecon('raw_data.raw');
>> converter.Perform('/my_Data/output.h5', 'image_types', 1);

Include all ‘EX’ goal parameters in the conversion:

>> converter = MRecon('raw_data.raw');
>> converter.Perform('/my_Data/output.h5', 'goal_pars', true, 'par_filter', {'EX_'});


The ISMRMRD converter is open source and can be found in: <MRecon_installation_directory>/src/ISMRMRDConverter.m.